This app is built with HTML, CSS and Javascript. For mainaining the task list after reloading the page, I used Local Storage to get the data back from users' own browser. This app isn't responsive yet! But I will change styles to make it responsive soon.
For buildign this cool weather app, I used HTML, CSS, Javascript and Open Weather APIs. This weather app also shows forcast for next few days. I designed and built this app from scratch all by myself.
This cool simple game demanded more logic than it seems. If you are not familiar with this game here is a little description: there are some words that computer chooses randomly. Then it sets the hyphens according to the number of the chosen word's letters. Then you have 6 trying chances to guess and figure out what the word is. The Hangman drawing completes as you make wrong guesses until you lose or win.
For the first cousre in Shecodes workshops, buiding a random web page was our sweet simple project. I had fun making my first project about a celebrity I admire the most. This page is built is only built by HTML and CSS. And I designed it all by myself. And I think it's eye-catching, isn't it?